cai About

To provide professional services to the highest standards of quality, integrity and  personal accountability in assisting clients in identifying, evaluating and resolving issues and concerns which directly impact operational performance.
Collier Associates, Inc. (CAI) provides management and technical services to the energy, manufacturing and nuclear defense industries. Our approach to resolving issues and concerns emphasizes the interdependence of engineering, operations and plant maintenance in optimizing plant performance; the critical role of management in providing essential resources and fostering the working leadership necessary to achieve cost, schedule and quality expectations; and the need for rigorous adherence to procedures and specifications throughout the organization to maintain the safety of personnel, plant systems and equipment, and the public at large.

CAI concentrates on organization performance; the effectiveness of the processes used to manage and control the work; and the training, qualification and certification of key personnel responsible for implementing plans, policies and procedures which directly impact operational performance.

CAI services include performing organization evaluations and assessments; conducting management prudence and performance effectiveness reviews; assisting management in performing self-assessments; providing independent third-party audits and investigations; and working side-by-side with organization managers in developing and implementing performance improvement initiatives. NAIC Codes 221113, 541330, 541512, 541611, 541614 and 541618 apply.